Sunday, August 25, 2013

Nature's Bounty

“The moment one gives close attention to anything, even a blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself” - Henry Miller

Each moment is a precious gift. As I reflect on this during my last hours of summer break, I am filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude. It has been a bountiful summer filled with joy, sadness, hope, laughter, and love. I have spent countless moments with friends and loved ones, and each moment has truly been a gift. To all of you, thank you for sharing those moments with me....I cannot ever fully express how grateful I am to have each and every one of you in my life!

We all live such busy lives--pulled here and there, distracted by worries about the past and future. I understand that feeling of having no time to waste, yet wasting time distracted by worry. That is why I love the ritual of cooking. When I cook I am mindful, fully in the moment--enjoying the aroma, color, texture, and process of creating a meal. I never consider time spent cooking wasted. For me it is a form of meditation; a time to be creative, to nourish the soul along with the body. And in the end, I hope the food I prepare is savored because it came from my heart. 

Thanks for the amazing bounty of vegetables from your gardens Mom and Dad! Food that is both grown and prepared with love must be filled with super-powers....I feel stronger already :)

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